April 15, 2022
![Firebaser Friday Banner](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/posts%2FFirebaser_Friday_BlogHeader%20(1)_1600x800.webp?alt=media&token=1947a18e-11f7-4230-817a-2ed74c4c8bf3)
Welcome to the second edition of #FirebaserFriday
The monthly mini-profiles series features Firebase team members, aka “Firebasers”, from all around the world. Follow along to learn how these members of the team got started with Firebase, more about the Firebase products they work on, advice on how you can get started, and more.
![An animated GIF of Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/posts%2FPeter_v1.gif?alt=media&token=266156cd-6274-4a13-bde3-3f4d1e21dcdf)
Today, we’re happy to introduce you to a long standing member of the Firebase community, Peter Friese. You may recognize his work in the Better Safe than Sorry series, his videos on SwiftUI support, or you may have read one of his articles on the Firebase Developers Medium.
How did you get started with Firebase?
![Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/authors%2Fpeter_466x466.webp?alt=media&token=a05e3c16-d62b-4002-9ddc-7310e18f912a)
I've always been a fan of developer-friendly APIs, so when Firebase was looking for a Developer Advocate who is also an iOS fanboi, and Apple released SwiftUI in the same year, I knew my time had come.
What are you working on right now?
![Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/authors%2Fpeter_466x466.webp?alt=media&token=a05e3c16-d62b-4002-9ddc-7310e18f912a)
Making the Firebase experience even better for iOS developers. We've got some really cool things in the pipeline - expect more Swifty APIs, more SwiftUI support, and tighter integrations with the platform coming your way this year!
What 3 pieces of advice would you give yourself when you first became a developer?
![Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/authors%2Fpeter_466x466.webp?alt=media&token=a05e3c16-d62b-4002-9ddc-7310e18f912a)
`1)` Getting started is the hardest part, so give yourself some slack when writing the first line of code the first sentence of an article the first scene of a script. It doesn't have to be perfect. `2)` Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are no dumb questions. `3)` Learn touch typing.
What’s a secret “pet peeve” that doesn’t really matter but drives you nuts?
![Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/authors%2Fpeter_466x466.webp?alt=media&token=a05e3c16-d62b-4002-9ddc-7310e18f912a)
Date formats. ISO (International Standards Organisation) date FTW, everything else is just ambiguous or outright confusing...
Where can we find your work?
![Peter Friese](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/first-class-blog.appspot.com/o/authors%2Fpeter_466x466.webp?alt=media&token=a05e3c16-d62b-4002-9ddc-7310e18f912a)
You can find me on Twitter [here](https://twitter.com/peterfriese). I also write a lot, and you will find my articles on the [Firebase blog](https://firebase.blog/) or on my [own blog](https://peterfriese.dev/) (which also runs on Firebase Hosting, BTW!).