Open sourcing the Firebase Android SDK

At Firebase, we’re committed to transparency and a thriving developer community, which is why we started open sourcing our SDKs last year. Today, we’re continuing on that mission by open sourcing our first Firebase Android SDKs.

For this initial release, we are open sourcing our Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Realtime Database, Storage, and FirebaseCommon SDKs. We intend to release more SDKs going forward, so don’t forget to star or watch the repo.

Where’s the repo?

The Firebase Android SDK source code can be found at

For the SDKs included in the repository, GitHub is the source of truth, though you can also find our project in the Google Open Source directory and on On GitHub, you’ll be able to observe the progress of new features and bug fixes and build a local copy of the SDK on your development machine to preview upcoming releases. Our GitHub README provides more details on how you build, test, and contribute to our Android SDK.

As with our already available open-source iOS, Javascript, Node.js, Java, Python, Go and .NET SDKs, should you find issues in our code you can report them through the standard GitHub issue tracker. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of Firebase and we look forward to hearing from you on GitHub!